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First show of the “Christmas On The Moon” Tour 2021
“Billionaires in Space?
…An ever-warming planet?
Holidays approaching too fast?
…What is this all leading to?”
New single: “Christmas On The Moon” … just arrived for 2021!

Join us for a wacko holiday night at this great underground music venue & restaurant in American Alley, Downtown Petaluma with off-beat holiday cheer from an all-star lineup of Bay Area musicians including Paul Rogers, Tim Eschliman, Duke Dagreaze, Austin de Lone, Ken Jacobs, Blake Richardson and Candy Girard (players from Commander Cody, Etta James, Country Joe & Fish, Those Darn Accordions, Nick Lowe, Rhythmtown-Jive) join together to perform original holiday numbers, parodies of unlikely classics, and raucous jugbandizations of seasonal favorites. The Christmas Jug Band has been performing around the Bay Area in various incarnations for over forty years. Their material ranges from holiday pop and jazz classics such as “Winter Wonderland” to more off-beat tunes as “I’m Dreamin Of a Wet Christmas” “Santa Lost a Ho” and “Santa Don’t Do It.” A fun evening in the form of woozy vocals accompanied by harmonicas, rubboards, washtub basses, jugs, kazoos, accordions, and scuffed-up guitars. yes! Christmas Jug Band at The Big Easy. First night of the tour… collect all 4!